
Shaving Set

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The Razor Set

A shaving set with a razor usually consists of the safety razor itself, a shaving brush, and a stand to store and display the utensils.
The shaving brush is used to whip up foam in a bowl. The skin is moistened with warm water and the brush is used to massage the soap foam into the skin and hair. After a few minutes of soaking, the wet hair swells and can be shaved with little resistance. With this technique, the razor glides over the skin with minimal effort.
Shaving gels and oils also work well as shaving lubricants, with the combination of oil and soap being particularly invigorating. First apply the oil to damp skin, then massage in the soap. The shave is gentler, and the blades should stay sharp for longer.

What are the advantages of a MERKUR razor set?

• Leather case, razor stand, or corresponding container
• Matte chrome safety razor and shaving brush
• Sustainable safety razor
• The complete package
• Made in Germany

How do you use the razor set?

Foam is whipped up in a bowl with the shaving brush. The skin is moistened with warm water, and the brush is used to massage the soap foam into the skin and hair. After a few minutes, the soaked hair swells and can be shaved with little resistance. The razor glides over the skin with little effort on the soap.

Shaving gels or oils can also be used as lubricants for shaving. Particularly interesting is the combination of oil and soap. First, apply the oil to the moist skin, then massage in the soap. The shave becomes a bit gentler, and the blades are said to stay sharp longer.

Men’s shaving set / Women’s shaving set – Are there differences?

Men’s and women’s shaving sets often differ in design and ergonomics to meet different requirements and preferences. Shaving sets for men tend to be more focused on facial hair and often offer sturdier handles and blades for denser hair. In contrast, women’s shaving sets are often lighter and have longer handles, making it easier to use on body areas like legs or underarms. The blades in women’s shaving sets are often finer, allowing for a gentler shave.

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